What is the role of media in today’s society?

Role of media in society: Today media become a neighborhood of everyone’s life. Media plays a serious role in today’s society, now media become food to strengthen or weaken society.

Contribution of media

Purpose of Media

The purpose of a media is to offer information about current news, gossips, Fashion, and therefore the latest gadgets within the marketplace of the people. The role of the media has got to be a method of trading and marketing of products, and prejudices. It gives geographical knowledge about how people divided. The media claimed to be governed by righteousness and equity for the common man to the rich man.

Media is a change of:

1. Information

2. Education

3. Entertainment

4. Advancement

5. Correlation of parts in society

Influence of the media on today’s society

Society is influenced by media in numerous ways. It is the media for the masses that helps them to urge information a few lots of things and also form opinions and make a judgment regarding various issues. It is the media, which keeps people updated and informed about what's happening around them and therefore the world that everybody draws something from it.

Media is taken into account as a “mirror” of the fashionable society, infect, it's the media that shapes our lives.

It takes discipline to not let social media steal some time .

Media has had a nasty effect on a generation, mainly because youth is strongly influenced by media teenagers and youngsters are intended to follow their people, who are recognized and follow what they do to get noticed. Sometimes they focus badly a part of the media, and influence to try to to it. However, many did the crime by following media:

Whoever controls the media, controls the mind.

The media affects people’s perspective. Too much intervention of media in everything may be a matter of concern. Media are often considered a “watchdog” of political democracy.


Different types of media networks

1. Print media

2. Television media

3. Cell phones

1. Print Media: it's through the newspaper, books, and magazines during this they provide information about music, movies, and current affairs once each day.

2. Television: It also gives an equivalent about news and entertainment. But here some of the significant differences this television gives 24/7 news, entertainment like music, movies, ads, and the latest gossips. By switching the channels you can watch whatever they show if you get bored.

3. Cellphone: Cellphone media became an important and important part of everyone’s life this cellphone media is much better than printed and television media. With a cell phone, the news and information about movies, music, latest gadgets will be updated every second and you can watch and listen anywhere by carrying in your pocket. And you can ignore whatever you don’t like unlike tv hear you can watch your interested programs, by searching in a browser’s and had privacy for your program and most importantly, you can share your thoughts, photos, videos of you and your friends with their permission.

Control of a media on society

But this becomes a drug to this generation because social media is changing the way we communicate and the way we are perceived, both positively and negatively. Every time you post a photograph or update your status, you're contributing to your own digital footprint and private brand.

Impact of fake news through media

In the media world, it had a positive and negative side because it had an influence over generations from ages, some fake news makes a special impact on the society to make crimes and make people react fast to the issue without thinking once, in this social media like Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp plays a major role recently in India one fake news made village people kill one innocent person and injured friends of that person. Fake news is a big thing in the field of Social Media Journalism. Fake news is often as simple has spread misinformation.or as dangerous as smearing hateful propaganda.

Media in our hands

In today’s world, the media’s the most powerful entity on earth. They have the facility to form the innocent guilty and to form the guilty innocent, and that’s power. Because they control the minds of the masses.

So it’s in the hands of the people to take control of their minds. And decide what is correct. For this social media is the ultimate equalizer. It gives a voice and platform to anyone willing to interact