So we all know that 5G is coming. Now the age of 5G has arrived. And if anyone wants to buy a phone, should they wait for 5G to arrive. Buy those 5G phones or buy 4G phones? So people have a lot of confusion about this.

Wait for 5G or buy 4G phone now

So let me tell you that 5G is coming, but there is no idea when it is coming. Whenever a new technology comes, it takes 2-3 years to reach the right rate. This is what happened with 4G. But Jio opened a new company, so they gave it for free. But Jio is now an established company. And it cannot be said that they will give anything for free at the beginning itself. You have to pay for his money. 

The 5G plans will be much more expensive than 4G because the leap of one generation is getting too much. There is a big difference between the speed of 4G and the speed of 5G. If there is a big difference in its price, then you will not get so many affordable plans.
This technology will take some time to arrive and it may take a little time for good implementation in a good way, so to be seen in real terms, if you have to take a 4G phone now, then you can have no problem. 

Good phone, Buy 4G is not a problem. Right now 5G phones are coming but the good phones which are 5G are a little expensive, but the cheap phones which are 5G's rest of their specs do not look so good. It may also have exceptions because when I was writing this article, then a good phone will come after it or there is a phone that has already been launched which has good 5G and also has good specs. But in this general, I am telling you that the 5G phone is good as if the latest iPhone-12 has arrived or there are many high-end phones of Samsung or brand. So it is very expensive and if any of the people reading this blog do not have such a budget, what will you do?

Now, talk about Jio, when 5G comes in Jio, these people will not only give 5G solution in mobile phone, they will definitely remove products like Jio-Fi, Dongle, in which you can connect to your mobile phone and run the internet. Like when 4G came, cheap 4G phones also came, things like 4G cheap plans, dongles, geo-fi also came so that your phone does not even have 4G, even if you run a 3G phone, you can live. You can run the internet on your phone by connecting to jio-Fi. And according to me, if you will do so that you will connect with Jio-Fi, then you will get a lot of speed. For so many days, you will be gone, the number of days you will buy another 5G phone. So yes, you do not have a 5G phone right now if you are on a tight budget. 

Now we are just counting the days when will 5G phones come and when will 5G phones come cheap? It is heard that the 5G phone of 2500-3000 is ready from Jio. And it also has the hotspot feature, so what else is needed. In 2500-3000, there is so much geo-fi and now you will get a live phone. But if it is like a feature phone, then who will run the internet in it, everyone can run the internet by turning on the hotspot. So if the budget is low then take the 4G phone and if your old phone is running now and can run for 1-2 years, then I will recommend that do not buy a 5G phone right now. First, let the market come and 5G phones than buy.