So a question came that how do internet connections of ISRO and NASA work? What is the speed of internet NASA and ISRO and how they use the internet? So one thing was very widespread that NASA has an internet speed of 911 Gbps. Later it was discovered that it was rumored that how it started. The internet used to be earlier, I am talking here about NASA's internet, ISRO's internet, but the internet does not just run on the earth, but the transmission of the internet is happening on the satellite, from the satellite Happening. There the Internet is being left in space, then it is being received from both upload and download in both cases. So here the Lunar Laser Communication Demonstration.
It happened first with NASA's facility in Mexico. A very constant speed and a very good connection were made of 20 Mbps which used laser beams apart from normal or conventional radio waves. This was the beginning of running good internet in space. NASA started with 20 Mbps with the help of this Lunar Communication Demonstration. After that, it kept moving slowly and kept increasing and this speed kept going forward. Speed is much higher than in our normal homes.
ISRO's internet speed is 100 Gbps, then NASA's internet speed is 91 Gbps. ISRO's internet speed is faster than NASA's internet speed.
Now I talk about ISRO, you will know about GSAT Satellite that it is Communication Satellite and it was launched by India. ISRO had guaranteed that it would get 100 Gbps speed after its launch. Let me tell you that America is ahead in many things, but when it comes to internet speed, America is not so far ahead. The India crowd has also been doing well now since GSAT Satellite has been launched in Space Communication. Which guarantees that you can achieve the speed of 100 Gbps. There is communication with the satellite, when we leave a satellite, then the connection is also coming from it. And now the connection that is not happening with the radio waves, the laser beam is left and our satellite is not leaving a beam. There are 2.5 meters of antennas, there are 2 antennas, and a Total of eight lasers. Beam-like eight beams emanate from which they used to exchange internet, what used to happen earlier was not from laser beams, it used to be different technology which was not so good but now there are ways of communication slowly, which is the speed of internet, It continues to grow and is a whole lot of space programs. Many people work in space and their different speed varies. But the average speed of our house is much higher than that.
Now what I told you to NASA, it can comfortably leave the laser beam of the Internet for 3400 kilometers without any problem. Now India is going ahead in space communication in this. Now which is the GSAT20, when it will be launched, which is pending, which is currently in operation, it guarantees that the constant internet speeds of up to 70 Gbps will be provided by everyone, these satellites will make India very active. In the Internet world.
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