
1. Father of ‘C’ programming language

a. Dennis Ritchie
b. Prof Jhon Kemeny
c. Thomas Kurtz
d. Bill Gates
e. None

2. COBOL is widely used in applications
a. Commercial
b. Scientific
c. Space
d. Mathematical
e. None

3. The device used to carry digital data on analog lines is called as
a. Modem
b. Multiplexer
c. Modulator
d. Demodulator
e. None

4. SMPS stands for
a. Switched mode power supply
b. Start mode power supply
c. Store mode power supply
d. Single mode power supply
e. None

5. Information travels between components on the mother board through
a. Flash memory
c. Bays
d. Buses
e. Peripherals

6. The 16 bit Microprocessor means that it has
a. 16 address lines
b. 16 Buses
c. 16 Data lines
d. 16 routes
e. None

7. Best Quality graphics is produced by
a. Dot Matix
b. Laser Printer
c. Inkjet Printer
d. Plotter
e. None

8. The lowest form of Computer language is called
c. Machine Language
e. None

9. ________translates and executes program at run timeline by line
a. Compiler
b. Interpreter
c. Linker
d. Loader
e. None

10. Unwanted repetitious messages, such as unsolicited bulk e-mail is known as
a. Spam
b. Trash
c. Calibri
d. Courier
e. None

Some more computer awareness questions for all kinds of entrance exams.

11. Which among the following is responsible for allocating IP addresses and managing the domain name system?

A. Domain name warehousing
B. Internet Corporation For Assigned Names and Numbers
C. Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
D. None of these

12. A generic name for Intel processors released after the original 8086 processor is ______?

A. Pentium
B. x86
C. Pentium 286
D. None of these

13. A network that is connected to the Internet, but uses encryption to scramble all the data sent through the Internet is called? 

A. My network
B. Virtual private Network
C. Social Network
D. None of these

14. The software tool that enables a user to interact with a computer for a specific purpose are known as?

A. Application
B. Hardware
C. Networked software
D. None of these

15. The performance of a hard drive or another storage device, meaning how long it takes to locate a file is called?

A. Response Time
B. Access Time
C. Quick Time
D. None of these

16. The word bandwidth is also used to mean ________?

A. width of the data cable
B. number of computers on a particular network
C. amount of data transferred
D. None of these