Friends internet is a very complicated trap. Unlimited information has been absorbed in it. And nowadays internet connectivity is all over the world. Whether you want to send a message to one of your friends or send an important mail, you are mostly dependent on the machine that recieve or send this mail. Means your mobile or computer. What if this computer stops working. Meaning if there is no use, Holocaust will come.

Who Stopped WannaCry Virus? Full Details

In the United Kingdom, the world has seen one such fatal scene on Friday, 12 May 2016. Perhaps you have also heard. The WannaCry Randsome virus has infected nearly three Lakh computers all over the world. From big companies to big institutes and hospitals, they had given their knees in front of this malware attack. And so far those people have not been able to calculate how much damage was done by it?

If it is not prevented from spreading, then what happens? Meanwhile, there is the entry of a hero who stopped this attack and uprooted his roots, and he was none other than a hacker named Marcus Hutchins. This was the same boy who had spread the whole world with such a dirty virus. Was saved, which was impossible to stop. He killed the virus, but he had no idea how big a threat was now looming over him? A threat that would ruin his life. The FBI has left no stone unturned to make a hero a zero. Ten cases of hacking were run over him. One of them was to spread Kronos banking malware. But was he a hero or a criminal?

The US National Security Agency had created a hacking tool called 'Eternal Blue', in which it could run code in any computer using the advantage of a loop hole in Windows. When NSA came to know that their hacking tool had been stolen, NSA gave this information to Microsoft. After the NSA's warning in March 2014, Microsoft had made security updates available, but by then it was too late. May 12, 2014 By taking advantage of that loop, some hackers started spreading a virus named WannaCry which was a randsomeware malware. And this virus started spreading from one computer to another at an imaginable speed.

The WannaCry virus used to encrypt the computer's files, meaning it was locked and the hacker demanded about $ 300 in bitcoins to unlock those files. Many people had even given them bitcoins, but they did not get the data back. WannaCry really made people cry. The big corporations and hospitals that were doing an outdated version of Windows at the time, and those who did not update Microsoft's security patch, and those who did not update Microsoft's security patch, were dealt a big blow.

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In England, about 39 hospitals had to cancel their operations, and patients had to be sent home, irrespective of their condition. WannaCry was spreading from one computer to another with great speed. Someone was getting a sense of what to do. Big hackers worked on it, but no one felt anything on how to avoid it. But then there is the entry of a hero whose name was Marcus Hutchins. When he came to know about this virus, he asked for a sample of this malware from one of his friends and installed it in his computer so that the vaccine can be made. He was helping people on the internet without sleeping for 3 consecutive days. He researched it day and night so that the virus could be eradicated. While doing research he came to know that when this virus was installed in the computer, it used to send an access request to a website which was not registered. And because of not registering, the virus could not get access to that website. And the coding of that virus was done in such a way that if it does not get access, then it will encrypt all the files of the computer, meaning it will lock. When Marcus read the code of that virus, he came to know about the URL which was not registered in the name of anyone, so he got the URL and website named after him without losing time. After which, as soon as the miracle happened, all the attentions became calm as WannaCry started getting access to the website. And overnight the internet became a sensation but Marcus himself did not even know what trouble the firm was taking him.

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Yes, SBI came to know about the hacking done in his past and when he was on his way back home from England to England, FBI picked him up from the airport and started questioning him about Kronos banking Malware whose code he Built around 2014 and sold to another hacker. But the hacker to whom he sent had created a banking virus with the help of that code, the FBI was constantly questioning Marcus about the hacker to whom he had sold those codes. But Marcus didn't really know who the hacker was because he used to talk in court names, and Marcus made the mistake in his childhood A. If no one knew, the KRONOS virus was a Trojan virus whose main target was the British. There were banks and the user names and passwords of people were stolen by this virus, that too secretly without anyone knowing. Marcus was now spending nights in FBI jails inside the US A few days after he was caught, his supporters deposited $ 30,000 bail and got him bail but neither could he leave America nor work there. If she did, she would cut it from the donation that was received by the people for the next 18 months. And when her lawyers fought her case, it said that it would cost around 1 million to one and a half million dollars to fight your case. So because he had no money, he decided to please Guilty and after that he accepted two crimes. On July 18, 2019, he was to be sentenced for about 10 years, but the judge did not praise only the crime committed in his past and also praised his good deeds and he was acquitted of acquittal after accepting his sentence. It was because of which he came in the eyes of the FBI and it was because of WannaCry that the judge acquitted him because he saved the whole world by eliminating the virus.

If the domain Koyas had registered this website by Marcus in his name, the virus will start to be found again if it is closed today. Now let me tell you whether Marcus was a hero in your eyes or must tell in 1 criminal.

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