As security issues grow exponentially, we CIOs need to improve our environment. We often forget the legitimacy and become too casual in making life much easier in our working community for our own benefit. Here are some quick tips that can be summarized to help improve security in your business.

5 things you can do to improve your company's security system

Password expiration

I really wish this could go without saying ... but more often than not, I often come across timeless passwords on our client networks. What’s worse is that most of these accounts have administrative rights. That's just bad. Start here, find your administrative passwords in the expiration cycle, and move on to the user community.

Password Entering

Yes, we will add more hubs to passwords. Force the non-alpha characters. Writing marks and symbols go a long way in changing things. For example, "iceage" becomes more secure when remembering "1ce- @ ge".

Keep Hardware Use in Gear Provided Internal

I have personally seen this ... once ... someone brings a hard drive from home and starts copying company assets to something that does not belong to the company. While Bringing Your Device (BYOD) is certainly a future and future strategy, that doesn't mean it's a free way to work for everyone out there. The more we provide our user communities with the right tools, the more they will find the need to bring their own goods.

Let's not talk about how viruses and worms can easily get into a company's secure network by simply accessing the hard drive from home ...

Manage mobile devices

Yep, maintaining control doesn’t just make it easier to support down the road. Mobile Device Management Software (MDM) gives your company the ability to set up and deploy remote policies such as content filtering. Our AVG Cloudcare services allow our clients to manage policies and back up mobile devices to the cloud, all from a central location.

Clear Remote

The age of the mobile device is here. Just make sure the devices you support have remote erase and local power. It will make your life much easier when something is lost or stolen. Remember, the damage is not the $ 1000 device taken, but the display of information on the device. While most thieves follow behind the hardware, it is not worth the risk of loading the remote devices that remove it.

All that is said and done, there are some simple and fast ways to deliver that can significantly improve network security. Try one of these and let us know in the comments section below how it works for your company.

JT Koffenberger is an information technology officer with more than 25 years of experience in the Information Technology business experience. He uses advanced technology and techniques to bring profit to the strategy. He is the founder and General Manager of The Delmarva Group LLC, an IT services company based in Wilmington, Delaware. Under his leadership, Delmarva Group provides all IT-related services to small and medium-sized businesses


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Here are five ways your business can improve its procedures and make your company more, 

5 things you can do to improve your company's security system


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