We all have to know that what is the reason behind India never host Olympics while Common Wealth games are hosted in India and Asian Games are hosted in India since 1951. China also hosted the Olympics, even many other small countries like Japan, Italy, Spain, South Korea, Finland, Austria hosted the Olympics Games Successfully. But why India not? or Why India can not host the Olympics. Let me explain why India never host the Olympics.

Why India never host Olympics

We all know that the Olympics was hosted every four years, which was known as the Summer Olympics games. and today this is most popular because in this Olympics so many games are involved. But in 1924, a new Olympics was introduced called the Winter Olympics. The reason behind discovering this Olympics that those games which we can not play without Ice Or Snow, would be included in the Winter Olympics that's why we can see the Olympics every two years. As an example, In 2020 Summer Olympics games are hosted in Tokyo. In 2022 Winter Olympics Games Are hosted in Beijing. In 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris and In 2026 Winter Olympics games are hosted in Italy. As we can see that there is a gap of four years in the Summer Olympics as well as the Winter Olympics. So these are some basics. Let's move forward to the topic that why India never hosts the Olympics.

From Deciding location for Olympics to Making rules and regulations for Olympics, International Olympics Committee (IOC) is the main body. It has some guidelines and criteria for choosing the location for the Olympics. If any Country wants to send their City's name for the Olympics them they have to prove that it is big enough to handle the Olympics. With the games comes a huge number of tourists, athletes, journalists, and politicians. They must house all the people's inadequate hotels, and they have to transport everyone from one place to the next with a reliable mass transit system. They also need to show that they can handle the high level of security needed at the games. and that country has to also prove that the city's name they are sending, the chances of growing employment and growth will increases. The city will get profit for the long term. Not so that the games did not even get the closure. From making stadium to organizing games is organized by the host country. 

The cost of bidding for the games is incredibly high. Bid committees must pay an application fee (the fee for hosting the 2012 Olympics was $150000 U.S), to the IOC. This high fee is meant to discourage cities that are not to commit to the efforts necessary to host the Olympics. By following these fees, the cities generally need to begin large construction projects like building the "Olympics Village" to house the athletes, new sports arenas and stadiums, and transportation. After paying a high fee, it does not guarantee that host will be Paying the country. Now if any country seems that they are not sacrificed then that country does not participate in bidding organized every two years. Those countries seems that they can host the Olympics Successfully then the National Olympics Committee of that country Send the names of their city in the bidding.

In Our Country India, the Olympics never hosted because of this main reason that Our Olympics Committee Indian Olympics Association (IOA) thinks that we are illegible for conducting the Olympics. There are two reasons behind this are (1) Since the Olympics started since then America wins 2828, Russia wins 1204, Britain wins 883, China wins 608 and a small country like Japan wins 497 Medals in Olympics. But India Only wins 28 subtotal medals till now. In that case, the question rises that the country in which lack of seriousness towards the Olympics, then how they can host Olympics Games? and this is true. How many of us know that what is the Olympic games? and (2) the Second reason behind why India never host the Olympics is In 2003 India was selected for hosting the Common Wealth games in 2010 but despite 7 years of a long time Common Wealth committee neither build stadium and venue on time nor organized construction, transportation in Delhi. That's why India insulted across the world. The Common Wealth scam left such an impression that India will not be able to wipe it for several decades.

According to Wikipedia, The initial total budget estimated by the India Olympic Association in 2003 for hosting the games was $230 Million US. In 2010, however, the official budget soon escalated to an estimated $1.6 Billion US, A figure which excluded non-sports-related infrastructure development. Business Today magazine estimated that the games cost $9.3 Billion US, which is approximately 43 times more than the Budget. It is listed in the list of badly managed and Most costly Common Wealth Games in the World. Not only this rather the whole World understand that India is inefficient at conducting games like that. 

But India will get another chance in 2032. According to an article in Times of India, India to step up bid for the 2032 Olympics after the pandemic. If India wins the bid then the players of India will get a chance to play on their own Motherland India.